Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dr. Steel

Okay so reading the "The top five posts of 2008 that I was too high to finish" made me remember that I should fucking finish off this Dr. Steel article because well, we all have to do our part to help the good doctor take over the world. Yeah, you heard me right take over the fucking world.

Dr. Phineas Waldof Steel is the greatest man of our time. A multi-talented genius who's creative talents extend far beyond what a sane mind could possibly comprehend. Using his infinite talent as an outlet to the general public, he has a message of change for a better world. In fact this better world he speaks of is in fact a "Utopian Playland" and that is most certainly a future to strive for.

Now how does one take over the world for such a purpose? Well like any leader he has an army, an army of loyal Toy Soldiers, (myself being one of said loyal soldiers). But the actions and demonstrations of this ever growing army are enjoyable events wherein the soldiers goals are to spread the word of Dr. Steel, hand out propaganda, and most of all.. HAVE FUN!!

Not only a doctor of spin, a professor of reality engineering, and a Minister of Metaphysics. Dr. Steel is also a talented musician whose genre is difficult to define at best, but the closest it can be defined is "Operatic Industrial Hip Hop".

Back And Forth

Build The Robots

Fibonacci Sequence

Well now, you may be wondering how YOU can be a part of this amazing ever expanding movement in the name of fun, well it's simple...

Just Click To Enlist In Dr. Steel's Army Of Toy Soldiers:

I see the future.
The future is Steel...

The top five posts of 2008 that I was too high to finish

There have been many posts that I have started but not completed. Funny enough most of these posts could have been the best I have made. It's difficult being a extremely lazy stoner and running a blog about it. Perhaps next year I will find a method of making this work...

Comfort City
This post was going to be an extremely detailed outline of the state of ultimate comfort and how I achieved it. I was going to go into detail explaining the comfort points added by each individual item and how they were used. For example: my computer chair is a bed.

Dr. Steel
I was going to make an amazing post on how awesome Dr. Steel is but it didn't make it past the third sentence.

Why Domino is very worth watching
This post was going to consist of 10 great reasons to watch the movie Domino. One of these reasons was Christopher Walken saying "is that pot?"

Are you bored? A step by step tutorial on converting your toilet into something

This post was far too awesome to have ever be finished. I was going to make a picture tutorial on how to turn your toilet into a motorcycle so you could take a shit in the fast lane. I even started taking pictures of the project but it just wasn't meant to be.

Portable hotbox
In this post I was going to explain the awesomeness of a device that I found that could easily be used to make a one person hotbox. If I find it again this post will be made.

I Eat Things High Ep 1 and 2

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism capitalism

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Portal Drinks

I stumbled upon a list of drinks, which were based on things from Portal. These drinks include Chell, Glados, Sentry Gun, The Drink is a lie, and motherfucking The Cake is not a Lie! Do you see how delicious it looks in that picture? It looks so fucking good.

Here are the directions:

The Cake is Not a Lie

Get it while it’s hot

Rocks Glass

Strawberry Slices


  • 2 cl Whiskey
  • 1 cl kahlua
  • 1 cl Bols Brown Cacao
  • 1 cl Cherry Liqueur
  • 1 cl Bols Strawberry
  • Top Up with Double Heavy Cream

Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled Rocks glass. Top up with Cream

Inspired by the 'Midnight over Tennessee'

Interested in the other drunks? Click below


Sunday, December 21, 2008

"Office Space" Recut

This shit is too funny not to post.


So it's been freezing cold for the past week or so and usually I would be toughing it out, but fuck that. Being comfortable is the most important thing to me at this point in my life; so I am staying inside as much a fucking possible. There isn't a reason why I should freeze my nuts off, especially when I could be at a level of comfort that few people can say they have reached.

Because I am staying inside I am going to need something to do. While trying to figure out what I was going to do inside for practically the entire winter a friend, who I sold my old WoW account to, came online and gave it back to me, with a month payed for, and the new expansion added to it. So now Blow Up The Sky can be what it was in the beggining. A blog that I would post in while WoW was tabbed and after smoking a bowl.

So anyways, I need to tell you of a story. I don't know the whole story myself. That is probably why I am so amazed by it, but man it's fucked up. There is a family with a dog that lives across the street from my house. This dog has rediculouly short hair for this weather and so leaving it ouside is one of the cruelist things anyone could do; and yet these motherfuckers keep leaving their dog outside in the freezing ass cold. For the first three knights the dog was barking to come in, and on the third moring I looked out my window to see a Vet van parked in front of the house and then I see two guys come out from the back yard carrying a stiff ass dead dog.

The next day I looked out my window only to see that the very same dog was outside, alive and well, chilling in a newly built dog house.

Would you like an explanation? I DON'T FUCKING HAVE ONE!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Amazo

Imagine that you are high as fuck on Acid and all of a sudden you are in front of this house. Ascetically pleasing to the core.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Mario Kart for realsies

This guy is a pimp because he whips banana peels around in traffic.
'Nuff said.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Cop buster busts cops

If you're a stoner and you use the internet chances are that you have at least heard of Barry Cooper. Barry Cooper is famous as the narcotics officer who quit the force to help people who have been tricked by police usually involving marijuana. Barry released his DVD Never get busted again a few years ago, which has helped thousands of people learn the laws and how not to get tricked by police officers.

Recently though, Barry has done something so epic that he deserves a metal. Barry rented a small house in Odessa, Texas and filled it with growing equipment and Christmas trees! He did this knowing that the police would eventually come by with infrared cameras and assume that it was a grow op. It has been ruled by the supreme court that it is illegal to use infrared cameras in a case such as this, even though they still get used.

Less then a day later the police busted open his doors only to find his lawyer sitting there surrounded with cameras and computer equipment streaming the footage directly to the internet. FUCKING OWNED.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkish Rambo

A hero worth talking about

I found this forum post and I just had to share it.

I got off of work 4 hours ago. I was so completely tired and my feet swollen from working on them for 12 hours straight. Yet I hadn't a clue why I stayed at work after I clocked off but I stayed for 20 minutes drinking coffee in the employee room.
I was walking home and I witnessed a car crash. A Honda slammed on it's brakes but it was too late and hit a truck in front of them and the Honda CRUNCHED. I was on the other side of the street and I ran across 6 lanes of traffic in rush-hour to see if they were okay. The guy in the Honda was wedged in his car and couldn't get out without help and I noticed underneath the hood of his car, it was smoking like crazy. I got him out (while yelling at him that it was totally his fault) and ran to the truck. 2 teenage girls hop out of the truck and were fine. I heard sirens in the distance and seeing they were fine, jokingly asked them "have any drugs you would like me to hide for you?" and a waft of marijuana (not smoke) escapes their truck. I happen to have a hospital-issued odor eliminator called 'm9 odor eliminator' on me at all times because Im a stoner. I spray down their truck and they hand me a good half oz and a pipe that was in a Safeway bag and I shoved it in my jacket. I still heard sirens but no emergency vehicles were in sight yet. I told them after everything was taken care of, I'd be at the Starbuck's down the road and to meet me there. 45 minutes later, they met me at Starbucks.

To make a long story short, they gave me the phattest nug I have ever seen for my troubles and on top of that, they smoked me out! How fucking cool is that!?

Here is a link to a m9 Odor Eliminator page.

Here is the original post

Dons Guns