Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stockholm syndrome Stock HOLLM. Say holm, right now. Holm.

Holm Stock holm, stock holm, syndrome, sindrome... Drome Drome Drone.

I will now explain to you why this post is. I am using speech to text software. Yeah, I totally said Stockholm syndrome all those times.

So yeah, the reason there have been shit quality posts lately is the same reason there have always been shit quality posts. Smoking weed makes you lazy, and I smoke a lot of weed. There are other people, who have the ability to post on this blog, that haven't been. I don't know if it is because they are not stoned enough, they are just too lame, or because they are too lazy and stoned. If this is the case I am a hero for being able to make the amount of posts that I've made.


N. Necro butcher said...

Give me posting powers. I already check this blog like 234 times a day.